The five on the table, arranged so we didn't know which was which by Teresa Day of I Eat BR, were the Stone Go To IPA, Founders All Day IPA, Terrapin RecreationAle, Sierra Nevada Nooner, and Southern Tier Farmer's Tan.
This week, blind taste test #1...
Reviewers: Eric Ducote (BR Beer Scene), Brenton Day (The Ale Runner), Chuck Pierce (Me And My Big Mouth), and Buddy Ethridge.
Serving: Presented in a Forge Racing pint glass.
Appearance: Clear amber.
Aroma: Big time grapefruit hoppy IPA notes. All of us noted the grapefruit presence of this one.
Taste: More bitter than expected for a session IPA, but it mellow out fast. Just a huge amount of up front hops.
Mouthfeel: That hoppiness from the taste mellows out pleasantly, and then lingers for a while, reminding you of each delicious sip.
Overall: Very bitter, but still tasty, I'd drink more of this one for sure. At this point, we all took a guess as to which beer we were drinking. My guess, based on the up front hop profile, was the Stone brew... check back to see what we thought about the others, and to see if I was right.
Overall Rating: 67.25
My Rating: 71
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